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Download & Read Free Ebook Of Girl Online By Zoe Sugg

Hey! Before downloading this free ebook of Between The Line By Jodi Picoult and Samantha Van Leer , Why not you read my review on this book first. Who knows maybe after reading the review you will be more interested to read this ebook.

Love from me.



1. Chapter One

Penny,the main character was asked by Mr.Beaconsfield to take pictures of all roles in Juliet and Romes drama during the rehearsal. Megan, Penny’s BFIS (best friend in school) said to her for not taking the spot on the side of her nose. She’s really fussy.
After rehearsal, they went to JB’s diner for milkshakes and Ollie, who got a role as Juliet in the drama class asked Penny how was she doing and told her that he wanted to look at his pictures that had been taken by Penny. But when Ollie took the camera that was given by Penny and looked at one of his pictures then, he commented it was nice. However, Megan grabbed the camera from Ollie in a sudden and pressed wildly to look for her pictures then, slammed the camera cause she felt she looked like had a moustache on that picture.  Penny really loved her precious camera so, she grabbed the camera back from her a little too forcefully and one of her false fingernails catched on the strap. It’s really disturbing so, Penny decided to go out of that booth and back to home.

2. Chapter Two

Penny told Elliot, her next-door neighbors but to be more specific her bff about what had happened at JB. So, Elliot told her that she should not hang out with Megan and Ollie but Penny felt that they were not that bad as she was the one who should be out of getting stressed about some.  So, Elliot suggested her to blog about it to make her feeling better.

3. Chapter Three

Penny got positive response from her blogs’readers and felt awesome that they’re accepting her honest post about her panic attack and ittruly makes her feeling better. Blogging really worked!!!

4. Chapter Four

Penny told her parents that they got a client that wanted Downtown Abbey theme for their wedding concept. Her parents were excited about that as the client will be married at a hotel called the Waldorf Astoria in New york. It was like a dream for her mother. At the same time, Penny got message from Ollie for asking her out. She was on the top of the world cause after her embarrassing moment with Ollie when he thought Penny might have fleas and a chronic wind problem but he still wanted to meet her. Yeah, It was awesome.!!!

5. Chapter Five

Penny spent her day with Megan in bedroom and told Megan that she got panic attack from the car accident. Then, Megan told Penny that she was worried about the school play as she was afraid she would mess up. But she was happy that she got chemistry with Ollie and told Penny that Ollie told her everything. So, penny assumed Megan knew about tomorrow, the day Ollie asked Penny out for lunch but Megan knew nothing about it.  Then, it made Penny irritated when Megan asked her “Just you?” .What?come on, Megan.You should be happy for your friend.

6. Chapter Six

This was the worst sleepover ever in Penny’s entire life. And the fact that Megan did not know Elliot’s name made her to hate her more. She felt like to bash her over the head with a pillow but fortunately she wanted to have some coffee and gratefully for an excuse to get away from her for a few minutes. So, she leapt out of bed and pulled on her dressing gown.

7. Chapter Seven

Penny went to the beach earlier than Ollie but when Ollie arrived, he asked Penny to take some pictures of him. It’s weird cause he was asking her out for lunch. Then, Megan came and she was quite happy that Penny was not having lunch with Ollie so, it was not a date.

8. Chapter Eight

Penny’s parents accepted the job at New York and decided to spend their Chrismast holidays at New York but it seemed like Tom, Penny’s brother did not want to go to there and Penny was afraid her panic attack as the idea of New York made her to think about the plane. So, Elliot helped her by saying that she had an English project so, she could not go to New York with them.

9. Chapter Nine

Her drama teacher asked her to draw graffiti for the trailer.Penny is a professional but she is not a good painter. It’s different but Elliot gave her an idea by telling her to ask the lighting person to project one of her photos of street art that he took in Hastings onto the set.She breathed a massive sigh of relief as she had the solution for the seemingly unsolvable and that filled her with hope.

10. Chapter Ten

The most embarrassing moment happened in Penny’s life when she made her way onto the stage to take some pictures after the play had been done. But when she was walking to the center, she tripped on the lace of her Converse and went staggering forward. It  was so awful that her skirts had flown up over her waist. -So Embarassed - …….

11. The Ending



Girl Online follows a typical girl - meets - boy storyline with a few 21st - century twist. The "girl online" is Penny - a clumsy, anxious but thoroughly likeable lead character who struggles with panic attacks that have plagued her since she was involved in a car crash.

Like all teenagers today, Penny has to deal with the cripplingly akward period of young adolescense while also coping with her life being broadcast online. She struggles with growing up in a world where her friends post bitchy comments on her blog and publish a video of her accidentally flashing her knickers during the school play. Her blog is the only place where she feels safe to open up to the world - but she learns the hard way taht it's not where personal secrets should be shared.

After falling in love with a boy called Noah on holiday in New York, she returns home to find that he is, in fact, a famous musician with a huge Youtube following and a girlfriend. Her supposed best female friend leaks her relationship with Noah to an online celebrity news site and her blog goes viral. Penny vows never to write on her blog again. 


 I actually had no idea that this book was written by a "celebrity". Anyway, I soon found out that Zoe Sugg was actually known as 'Zoella' who is a YouTuber and I watched some of her videos and they were pretty cool. I can definitely see why she's become an inspiration to so many others. Unfortunately, Girl Online didn't really reflect much. Instead, I was given a generic story line that was so very predictable.

So predictable to the point where I could almost guess exactly what the main character was going to say when she opened her mouth. Yup.

Furthermore, this book felt awfully "childish" to me. I'm not trying to be condescending or anything but the narrator's voice felt more like a 12 year old as opposed to the 15 year that Penny is meant to be. And this is coming from someone who is a 15 year old (me).

Despite that, the main reason why I actually ended up DNFing this book was because of the great and terrible: instant-love. Then I do look up, and for a split second we're staring into each other's eyes. And click—I feel another part of me slotting into place with him.

Maybe there were a lot of people dissappointed with this novel because they felt that the plot were not original with the whole "anonymous blog" thing that we had seen million times.But for me, I still love this novel..😍For anyone who likes to read a book with a simple storyline, this is the right book for you guys.Happy Reading Guys.....😊

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RATING  :  🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

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