Isla Martin attends the School of America in Paris with Josh, a talented artist and Isla's long-time crush. After getting her wisdom teeth removed, Isla runs into Josh in a cafe, and has the courage to talk to him because she is a bit loopy from the medicine she is taking.

Once they get back to school, Isla has trouble talking to Josh, but he knocks on her door and asks her out to the local comic book shop. Once Josh realizes that Isla's best friend Kurt really is just her friend, Josh and Isla start dating. They share several sweet moments, like their first kiss on an escalator (even though it ends in a bloody nose for Isla), Josh painting the "treehouse," and  both recounting favorite childhood memories.

Isla and Josh decide to spend the weekend in Spain, breaking the school's rules about traveling. When Isla's sister Hattie starts asking about Isla, the school realizes that something is amiss, and confront Kurt about Isla's whereabouts. This results in Josh's expulsion from school. His parents are furious and confiscate his phone.

While Isla and Josh are separated by an ocean, Josh's dad is running for senator. Isla watches the news around the election, which includes a clip of Josh saying he doesn't have a girlfriend (which he later claims he did to protect Isla from nosy people in the political world). When Isla is back in the US for a holiday, she receives a package with a copy of Josh's autobiographical graphic novel. Isla is upset at the presence of Rashmi in the novel, especially since there are nude drawings of her. While being driven home from a posh political party, Isla picks a fight with Josh, and breaks up with him, fearing that it is only a matter of time before he would have broken up with her.

However, Isla is still very much in love with Josh. She buys him a signed copy of a graphic novel, which Isla's sister Hattie sends to Josh. Josh visits France during the Olympics and meets up with Isla. After they watch St. Clair propose to Anna (who gleefully accepts, of course), Josh walks Isla to her dorm and hands her his revised graphic novel, telling her to read it right away and call him after she is done. His novel ends with Josh declaring his love for Isla and waiting outside for her to call. When she peeks out of the window, Josh is actually there. She runs outside and tells him that she loves him.


Stephanie Perkins knows the deepest corners of my heart; the spaces where the darkest secrets and most tragic insecurities lie. In Anna, Lola, Isla--in them she painstakingly reveals, piece-by-piece, the fears I hesitate to lay before even those most beloved to me. But, in doing so, she reminds me that I am not alone in my swirling thoughts. To sit down and curl up with a Stephanie Perkins romance is to lose yourself in the flesh-and-blood ideal that you are human; you belong on this Earth. You, with your quirks and flaws and ugly parts, are not an anomaly.

I experience such a personal, visceral reaction to the tales Stephanie Perkins weaves. In Isla I could not help but become lost in the lines of Josh's artwork, the strokes of his dreamlike love, or the coils of tension which dictate their tragic love story. Perkins does little to re-build Paris, for location is of next to no importance to either Isla or Josh. Where Anna comes to realize that her home is St. Clair, Isla and Josh measure their romance in distance. Josh returned three hours ago from D.C. Josh's flight left two hours before Isla arrived. Josh is seated across the table from Isla but it feels as if he is across the Atlantic. It's curious, to me, that I re-call my favorite scenes from Anna based on their setting. That heart-warming reconciliation atop Notre Dame. When Etienne buys Anna a collection of love poetry from Shakespeare & Co. Or that moment when St. Clair rests his foot against Anna's in the movie theater as they watch a screening of "It Happened One Night." With Isla it feels as if every moment of the novel melts fluidly together. Isla. Josh. Isla and Josh. Their limbs intertwined, their hearts beating as one, their silent spaces.

In comparison to Anna and Lola, both which read--from the surface--to be "just another" contemporary romance with a blossoming love story, indomitable hurdle, and all-too-happy reconciliation, Isla is intense, explosive, and--dare I say it?--sensual. It feels distinctly foreign from any brand of American romance, merely because it is such a tangle of limbs, mess of hearts, and all-round love affair. What Isla and Josh share is far more than a simple love affair but the pacing, the sensation, the hit-you-in-the-feels emotions...surely nothing but the movies can feel this way? But Stephanie Perkins not only forces you to believe it on paper, she makes you believe it in life too. I want a romance like Isla and Josh; passionate, understanding, and messy. Forget Anna and St. Clair, Lola and Cricket, because Isla and Josh are the love story I never even knew I craved.

For readers, Isla will most likely surprise, not because of its protagonist, but rather because Josh comes alive in a manner we never knew possible until this tale. We imagine we know him through Anna's lens but, in truth, it's such a tiny facet of the person he truly is. What I love most about Josh, beyond his encompassing, incredible artistic talent, is the fact that he is far removed from the ideal boyfriend. Not only is he on the verge of being expelled from high school but he treats those threats with disdain, ignoring high school for he believes he has found his true calling. On paper, I wouldn't want to know Josh, let alone date him, but through Isla's eyes we grow to see him as more than the qualities which define him.

Yet, for me, Isla remains the soul of this novel. Whether it be her insecurities, her strengths, her weaknesses, her mistakes; I understood her. I felt connected with Anna, likely because of her initial out-of-body experience in arriving to Paris and, later, because it's simply impossible not to root for her. With Isla, though, I felt a kindred spirit. I'm not petite or pale or ginger. I don't share Isla's physical appearance and, even mentally, I am not nearly as introverted or painfully frightened as she is. But I used to be. And, even now, I sympathized with Isla's struggle to break out of her bubble. Even now, I feel scared about my unknown future and the adventures college may bring--but like Isla, I'm more excited than scared. I lose myself in a book. I use studying as a coping method to forget about the difficulties in my life. I typically have nothing but time on my hands to devote to school work that when I do decide to pursue an endeavor solely for myself or take time to meet a friend it shows in a slight drop in my GPA and the unfairness of life hits me all over again. So many lines in this novel felt as if they were straight out of my head that I could scarcely believe it. Isla, in many ways, chronicles my own journey of growth, albeit in a far more romantic way (isn't that always the case, though?).

Moreover, Isla is the romance novel I've been clamoring for; the one which explores the hurdles in making a relationship work. With Isla not only must Isla come to terms with the tight friend circle Josh shares outside of the school they both attend but Josh, too, must learn how to ingratiate himself into Isla's already-established lifestyle and friendships. It's a dance, in so many ways, finding that perfect space where real life, friendship, and romance can all exist as one and, as Perkins writes it, it isn't easy. Not in the least.

I could go on about Isla for ages and, likely, still be unable to reveal anything concrete about the story without spoiling the tale for you. It's passion. It's adolescence. It's growth.
